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Dream. Challenge. Succeed.

Other Courses: Classes


Build strong fundamental spelling skills

Who is it for? 

This programme is for children aged 7 years and above.

Duration: 2 hours per week (6 months) 3 levels.


This program exposes you to the different rules of spelling after teaching the basics of spelling using sounds.



Programme to develop reading proficiency

Guided reading is 'small-group reading instruction designed to provide differentiated teaching that supports students in developing reading proficiency'. The small group model allows children to be taught in a way that is intended to be more focused on their specific needs, accelerating their progress.

Who is it for? 

This programme is for children aged 7 yrs and above.

Duration: 2 hours per week (6 months) 2 levels.


There are many benefits to Guided Reading: Students develop as individual readers while teachers are available for support and scaffolding. Students learn skills and strategies that will allow them to read difficult texts independently. Students experience success in reading for meaning.



Programme to develop different genres of writing

Learning to write is one of the most important skills kids can learn.  And most kids enter school with an enthusiasm for writing—as a way to express themselves. Creative writing not only allows kids to express their feelings, it helps them clarify their own ideas and beliefs, and discover what they know or think about a topic.

Duration: 2 hours per week (6 months) 2 levels.

Who is it for? 

This programme is for children aged 7 years and above.


Tompkins (1982) suggests seven reasons why children should write stories (these reasons, of course, also apply to writing poetry):

  • to entertain

  • to foster artistic expression

  • to explore the functions and values of writing

  • to stimulate imagination

  • to clarify thinking

  • to search for identity

  • to learn to read and write

With these compelling reasons in mind, it is hard to justify not making creative writing an important part of the elementary school classroom day.



Practice of English conversation

Who is it for? 

This programme is for children aged between 5 years – 12 years.

Duration: 2 hours per week ( 6 months) 2 levels.


English has fast become the world’s most widely used and commonly spoken language today and the need to learn English for kids has increased exponentially with this growth. Many parents prefer their children learning English as a second language.

English is also of vital importance to non-English speaking children when it comes to education. Consider a situation where a teacher does not speak the child’s native language. If both the teacher and student have no common language to communicate, then the child’s entire learning process breaks down. It is a situation that can be further exasperated if the child’s parents do not speak English as well. In the light of this, many parents will inevitably look for ways to teach themselves as well as their children English. One of the best resources available for learning English for kids is Better English – Conversation Classes for Kids.  Parents can visit the center to have an insight into the abundance of learning material for children, especially in their “Kids Module”. The learning process is fun and entertaining.



Activities involving making things with one's own hands

Who is it for? 

This programme is for children aged between 5 years – 12 years. 

Duration: 2 hours per week.

Why art & craft?

Arts and crafts for kids are fun for children. These art & craft activities cover a wide range of subjects for young artists. Our selection of art projects for kids, DIY activities, and decoration ideas also provide excellent inspiration for craft ideas for kids.



Stories for Children

Who is it for?

This programme is for children aged between 5 years and above

Duration: 1 to 2 hours  per week.


Story telling introduces new vocabulary to children: A big advantage of storytelling is that listening to stories enhances a child's vocabulary. It also enhances the listening skills of children: Studies have proved that infancy is the period when children absorb most of the words that they later use in their lives.

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